Amarachi wins a presentation award!!
Amarachi won second place at this year’s REU poster session. This entitles her to represent our REU program in the Biology Department at UNF at a scientific conference. Way to go, Amarachi!!
Amarachi won second place at this year’s REU poster session. This entitles her to represent our REU program in the Biology Department at UNF at a scientific conference. Way to go, Amarachi!!
We had six presentations at the 2022 Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Meeting! Four students presented posters based on their 2022 summer research internships in the lab investigating potential gut-patterning mechanisms in tardigrades. 1.) Logan, a student that visited our lab from Mercer University, presented results of her study …
Mandy and Raul presented their research at UNF’s annual Showcase of Advancement in Research and Scholarship (SOARS). They were both awarded Honorable Mention for their poster presentations. Great job, team!
Mandy represented UNF at the Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol event in Tallahassee! We are very proud of her for being one of only four undergraduate researchers at UNF to be chosen to represent our University at the event. Great job!
Raul won the best student poster award in the Division of Evolutionary Developmental Biology at at this year’s SICB in Austin! Way to go, Raul!
Mandy presented a poster that builds of her recent discovery that tardigrade legs only exhibit distal identity relative to the legs of onychophorans and arthropods. Her recent work has focused on additional candidate leg patterning genes. Her results reinforce just how weird tardigrades are.
Raul presented results of his recent investigation into canonical Wnt signaling in tardigrades. Results of his study have important implications for the evolution of the tardigrade body plan. Raul has only been part of the Smith Lab for a year, and has collected embryonic expression data for nearly all of …
Ariana presented the results of her REU project from last summer at SICB. She made several important discoveries about gut patterning in tardigrades in just a short 10 week period. Mandy, Raul, and Frank were very happy to get to spend a few days with Ariana before she heads back …
Mandy is only one of four undergraduate students that have been chosen to represent UNF at this year’s Undergraduate Research Posters at the Capitol event in Tallahassee. Each university in Florida’s state university system can only send a select few students to this event. So, this is quite an honor. …
Frank gave a research talk at the Korea Polar Research Institute in Incheon, South Korea. He had an especially great time talking to Dr. Tae-Yoon S. Park and his students about panarthropod body plan evolution.
This is one of the last requirements Bri had to fulfill to graduate. Congrats Bri!!
Zach gave an oral presentation of his research in the Smith Lab as part of his Senior Seminar requirement. He gave a great presentation and did a great job of answering questions. Congrats!!
Ariana presented her research at the Frontiers in Undergraduate Research poster exhibition at the University of Connecticut. She performed this research last summer in the Smith lab. Great job!
Mandy presented her research at the 2019 Pan-Am Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology in Miami. She won 2nd place for Best Undergraduate Poster! Great job!!
Mandy and Zach presented their research at the Showcase of Osprey Advancements in Research and Scholarship. Mandy won an Award of Excellence for Outstanding Poster Presentation!!
The Florida Undergraduate Research Conference took place at UNF this year. Mandy and Zach both presented their research.
Mandy and Paula presented their posters at SICB in Tampa!! Great job!!
REU student Paula Nolte presented her research at at the NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Symposium!!
Frank gave a talk at the 14th International Symposium on Tardigrada, in Copenhagen. It was great to catch up with the world’s tardigradologists.